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Botanical Garden
Opening hours
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Plan your visit
Experience the Greenhouses
Things to experience in the Botanical Garden
The Greenhouses' cafe
Steno Museum
Opening times
Practical information
Book a guided tour
Museum activities
Shop and café
The medicinal herb garden
Ole Rømer Observatory
Opening hours
Practical information
Stargazing at the observatory
Explore the Science Park
Herbarium collections
The Database
Public lectures in Science
For schools
Book workshop
Practical information
About the Science Museums
Press office
Explore the Science Museums
An eventful world of man, nature and science
Botanical garden
The Greenhouses and the Botanical Garden provide a green space in the centre of Aarhus.
Here you can relax, experience fascinating stories about nature, and enjoy yourself in the café in the Greenhouses.
Steno Museum
Exhibitions featuring knowledge and debate about humans and science, a lovely fragrant herb garden, and a planetarium with shows about the stars.
Ole Rømer Observatory
Get a rare glimpse into the stars and planets of the universe through the large telescopes at the Ole Rømer Observatory. Hear about the mysteries of astronomy as well as the latest discoveries.
A fascinating collection featuring 750,000 sheets of dried plants.
The Herbarium is not open to the public, but you can see some of the sheets of dried plants in the Herbarium’s online database.
Revised 23.05.2024
Science Museums