Opening hours during the summer holidays, Saturday 29th June - Sunday 11th August 2024

All days except Monday: 10 AM - 4 PM

Monday: Closed


Adults: DKK 50 
Children and young people u. 18 years of age: Free
The planetarium, from 6 years: DKK 30 (only in danish)

Free admission to the museum 

  • Groups of day-care centres, school and high school students and accompanying teachers and educators.
  • Students at Aarhus University. Remember your student ID card.
  • Staff at Aarhus University.
  • The press upon presentation of a press card.
  • Members of Steno Museets Venner, Jysk Medicinhistorisk Selskab og Botanisk Haves Venner.

Book a visit or a guided tour

If you are an association or a group - or if you just want an experience out of the ordinary - you can book a guided tour of the exhibitions or a presentation in the Planetarium. Go to Book a guided tour.

Our School Service offers a wide range of educational programmes for school and high school students or students at other educational institutions. Learn more about our workshops for formal education groups (info in Danish).