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Botanical Garden
Opening hours
Practical information
Plan your visit
Experience the Greenhouses
Things to experience in the Botanical Garden
The Greenhouses' cafe
Steno Museum
Opening times
Practical information
Book a guided tour
Museum activities
Shop and café
The medicinal herb garden
Ole Rømer Observatory
Opening hours
Practical information
Stargazing tours
Explore the Science Park
Herbarium collections
The Database
Public lectures in Science
For schools
Book workshop
Practical information
About the Science Museums
Press office
Science Museums
Steno Museum
Museum activities
The Space Capsule has landed in Aarhus
Steno Museum
Opening times
Practical information
Book a guided tour
Museum activities
Presentation at the Planetarium
Shop and café
The medicinal herb garden
The Space Capsule has landed in Aarhus
Opening hours
Book a guided tour
Practical information
Steno Museet
#stenomuseet on Instagram
Revised 10.12.2024
Science Museums