How did the world come in to being? What shape does the earth have? How is outer space organised?
These are questions asked by humankind for thousands of years. Through time, answers given have been influenced by the culture and the religion of the time and we call these answers ‘Worldviews’.
The exhibition features different worldviews from the antiquity and up to the 1600s, and gives you an impression of what it meant in the old, old days, when the Earth was believed to be flat. During the antiquity, it was accepted that the Earth is round and when the renaissance came, Kopernikus suggested that the Sun was the centre of the universe and that Earth and the other planets orbit around it. This completely changed the worldview.
In the exhibition, you can see models of the instruments used by Tycho Brahe when he was figuring out which assumption of the world was correct.
You can also see how it became possible to do accurate measurements and precise descriptions of nature through what is known as ‘the Science Revolution’ of the 1600s